Artisan Markets

Great Northern Chili Cookoff & Artisan Market. PG Playhouse. Saturday, May 31, from 10 am to 3 pm

Join us for the Prince George Potters Guilds 49th Annual Great Northern Chili Cookoff. Our whole community looks forward to discovering which team creates the best chili every year. The chili bowls are beautifully hand-crafted by our local potters, and are enthusiastically collected by our supporters. It’s an exciting, unique and tasty way to celebrate the arts.

Join us for our Art Market! Unique handcrafted artisan goods that showcase our Northern BC vibrant arts and culture.

Vendor Criteria

  • You must be the maker of your own finished product, not a reseller.
  • Food consumption goods must be Northern Health compliant and follow all guidelines for the sale of foods at temporary markets.
  • These public markets is for all ages, as such please ensure your products are suitable for a family friendly audience.
  • Safely stow your goods and secure equipment so no harm shall come to the public.
  • Have fun and dive into a bowl of delicious chili!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Do all my items have to be something themed for the market?

A.  You should create a good portion of your goods to fit with the markets theme; afterall that's what people coming will be looking for.  Inspired goods can be quite broad.

Q.  Do your inside tables have covers?

A.  Inside tables are standard fold out 6ft x 2ft tables.  Bring your own cover and set up to make it uniquely yours.

Q.  Can I plug-in equipment for electrical use?

A.  No.  An overload of power usage on this old building causes the breakers to blow.  Please supply your space with power packs and utilize off grid style gear.

Q.  Should I dress up for themed events?

A.  While you don't have to, it is a good idea to get into the spirit and decorate or dress according to the theme.  A well crafted space promotes more sales.

Q.  Can I operate propane cooking systems?

A.  Any propane run food trucks or tents are to comply with provincial mobile food regulations.  We also need to place you 10ft from buildings per fire safety standards.

2025 Chili Cookoff - 10x10 tent space



This registration is for the Artisan Market only. Any chili team inquires please contact the Prince George Potters Guild at