Healing Arts Kits

Healing Arts Kits

The Community Arts Council has developed a system of mobile arts kits designed for seniors groups and others looking for an engaging, social creative activity. 

The CAC has nine “kits”available that when rented for a small fee, come fully stocked with supplies, lesson plans, and a professional artisan to lead your group!

Healing Arts…

The Healing Arts Kits were made available through the support of the New Horizons Program.

Designed to help engage our local seniors, the kits can be rented for a small fee and are brought out to your location. Perfect for groups of 10 and under, a wide range of creative activities are available, and your kit comes with a professional arts instructor to lead your group.

Current Instructors Are:

  • Laura Chandler (Acrylic)
  • Cliff Mann (Watercolour)
  • Diane Levesque (Painting)
  • Karen Heathman (Clay)
  • Birthe Miller (Knitting)
  • Joanne Mikkelsen (Clay tiles)
  • Mo Hamilton (Block printing)


For more information contact us.

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